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Singapore Cranes Association (SCA) was set up since 1975. It was established by pioneers of the mobile crane industry to promote the developments of this industry. SCA Membership stands at about 60 over companies and industry business associates which represent more than half of the cranes population in Singapore. It gathers to hold regular meetings for review of current crane business, discuss future outlooks and build relationships with its members. We would celebrate traditional festivals to preserve cultural values and bonding closer ties.Cranes for transportation and construction works are crucial part of any country’s infrastructure. SCA plays an important pivotal role for the industry as a whole. SCA is represented in the National Crane Safety Task force. We are also a member of S’pore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industries. We engage ourselves and represent the industry in dialogue sessions with various government agencies and grass-root leaders. These sessions enables SCA with adequate information in industry participation, advisory and leading in the industry’s future developments and directions, seeking new opportunities together. The global business trend of globalization encourages more active venturing with increasing co-operations among the industry members in overseas opportunities.


  • A proactively united crane industry, providing safe and sustainable services to our communities.

  • 一个积极与和睦的起重机行业,为我们的社区提供安全和可持续发展的服务。


  • To provide a clear voice, engaging with industry partners, stakeholders and authorities, towards safer and more efficient services for our members and communities at large.

  • 提供明确的信息,与行业合作伙伴,公共团体和政府机构合作,为我们的会员和整个社区提供更安全,更高效的服务。


  • Promotes a free market for crane operators and companies;

  • Promotes safe crane working environment for all stakeholders;

  • Promotes cooperation amongst members both locally and globally;

  • Promotes high quality, dedicated workforce in the crane industry;

  • Engages in upgrading technology for industry stakeholders.

Copyright©2024  Singapore Cranes Association. All rights reserved

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