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Increase of Speed Limits for Mobile Cranes on Singapore Public Roads

Industry News

Date Published: 

28 Jan 2019


SINGAPORE: From Friday (Feb 1), eight-seater passenger cars will no longer be subject to their current 70kmh vehicle speed limit, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) announced on Tuesday. Instead, they will be required to observe the same road speed limits as other passenger cars.

Currently, other smaller passenger cars do not have vehicle speed limits. “Given advancements in vehicle safety standards, LTA will remove the vehicle speed limits for eight-seater passenger cars from Feb 1, 2019,” said LTA in a news release. “With this change, eight-seater passenger cars will only be required to observe the same road speed limits as other passenger cars.” “This is in line with the practice in other countries.”

Meanwhile, from February the authority will also start a new speed limit trial for heavier mobile cranes which will set the vehicle speed limit of such cranes to 40kmh.

Currently, mobile cranes with a laden weight of up to 24,000kg have a vehicle speed limit of 40kmh, while mobile cranes with a laden weight exceeding this have a vehicle speed limit of 20kmh. However, the authority said it had received feedback from the industry that the 20kmh speed limit was too low and resulted in longer travelling time on the road, which may cause driver fatigue.

As part of the six-month trial, mobile cranes with a laden weight above 24,000kg will be able to go faster, with a vehicle speed limit of 40kmh. During the trial all mobile cranes will have to adhere to the road speed limit or the vehicle speed limit, whichever is lower.

“This decision takes into account improvements in vehicle technology and design that allow mobile cranes to travel safely at higher speeds, and is also in line with practice in other countries such as Australia, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom,” said LTA.

Source: CNA/nc(ms)


陆交局下月起取消多用途车时速限制 发布/2019年1月29日 10:29 AM 更新/2019年1月29日 10:32 AM 文/胡洁梅

从2月1日起,可载有8人的多用途汽车将不再受限于车辆时速,与其他小型汽车相同。 目前,这类多用途车的时速限制是每小时70公里,而其他小型汽车则没有车辆时速限制。 陆路交通管理局今天(1月29日)发文告说,从下个月起将取消这类多用途车的车辆时速。这类车辆将与其他小型汽车一样,得遵守公路的时速限制。这个措施与其他国家一致。

此外,陆交局下个月起也会针对部分移动式式起重机(mobile crane)试行新的车辆时速。 承载量超过2万4000公斤的移动式式起重机车辆时速限制将调高到每小时40公里,现有的时速限制是每小时20公里。

陆交局指出,试行计划是基于业界反馈,每小时20公里的时速限制会延缓行程的时间,可能因此导致司机疲劳。 目前,承载量低于2万4000公斤的移动式式起重机车辆时速限制也是每小时40公里。 试行阶段,所有移动式式起重机车辆得遵守车辆时速,或公路时速,以两者之间较低的时速限制为准。

Source : ZAOBAO SG

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